I'm trying not to eat as much bread. It's going very badly. VERY BADLY. However, this is now my regular breakfast. Yogourt and Special k. It's yummy. Still having trouble giving up bread though.

I get up early every morning. Way before it's sunny, no matter what time of year it is. I need to work out because I need to be healthy and that's the only time that seems to work for me. There's something great about being the only one up and being able to say that at 4:10 I'm up and working out for an hour.

This is my favourite of the pictures for this week. It's my sons feet sticking out of my bed blankets. In the mornings I work out and then, when done, take him out to our bed for cuddle time. He loves it. I then give my husband and my son footrubs. They are spoiled. But I love them.
Work of everyone else here.
Whoa, you do spoil them!! But how lucky they are to get footrubs every day. Kudos to you for getting up so early to make your workout part of your day!
Great shots, and I have trouble with the bread, too!
I'm kinda jealous of your morning workouts. I can't get up in the morning at all (my kids woke me at 10 this morning, I still can't believe I slept that late!). I don't exercise at all because I can't seem to fit it in. Anyhow, I came from Focus52 to look at your photos, and not be jealous. ;) I'm a nightowl, that's just me. LOVE your son's feet popping out!
4:10!!!! good gawd! LOL ;)
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