So... what did I do that I liked or was masculine? Well, not as much as I would have liked.

We were out riding bikes and skateboarding today and I saw these. Hardy, pretty little flowers. I just admired them. Spunky.

I like this picture of me. Nice without being unreal (I think! - it does hide the double chin!). I picked this, even though it's a very feminine face, simply because it's celebrating the fact that I was picked for summer school vp. This is the first year that a female has been in the administration role - and this year there's two females. I'm excited.

What is more masculine than my boy? This boy will be a great man.

I rode in a tank today. This was the view. Not masculine but I really liked it. Actually, it looks kinda feminine, but given it's the view from a tank, I think I appreciate it more.
Work of everyone else here.
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