Well, this week, picture wise, was almost a write off. And, sort of, no pun intended. My computer issues are coming to a close I think (just waiting for the power supply that actually works to show up!) but I spent the week writing. I'm doing a book for a series for Scholastic - terrified still that it won't be published, even though it's already listed in the series list - but ready to announce it to the five people (at most!) who read this blog weekly. I spent most of the week writing and editing - a horrid process - and didn't get out there and take pictures.
Which really - I live on a freekin' island! Water should be a no brainer. It's summer, so taking pictures should be a no brainer. I have my new camera, which makes taking pictures a full brainer as I try to learn but so fun it's a no brainer. However, I took a lot of phone pictures this week. Those which follow this explanation have been taken in the last day or so, which I could finally relax.
First, on the theme:
Salmonier nature park, on the trail.
Also at Salmonier, where the otters used to be. A landscape shot in the comments.
And, not on the theme
The view through the 'window' of an abandoned house we found .It had fallen in on itself.
A beautiful afternoon, beautiful sun, relaxing beverage.
My son is the best. He picked this for me. The berries were ripe and warm, the daisy beautiful.
The work of everyone else is
Here's hoping for a better picture week!