Thirteenth Week - Focus 52 - Silly

Ok, this week was busy. Crazy. Frenetic. But not silly. Nuts, perhaps. Or no nuts, as the case seems to be. However, the prompt was silly. Not that it was a silly prompt, it was, quite literally, silly. So... what could I take?

Well, I took this one, just to signify the nuts of this week:

Working Wednesday: Resisting the urge (244)

I didn't submit it to the pool. This is my son, finding out he's allergic to all nuts. ALL NUTS. Seriously people - do you know how many things out there contain 'traces of nuts'. It's so crazy, it's well, nuts. It fits into the frantic silliness of this week.

I didn't submit this one either:
Quality Street (245)

We had a student recess to raise money for students who can't afford prom. Someone made some beautiful cupcakes for us and put all kinds of quality street in the box. They looked like little jewels. But they had nuts so out they went. It's silly just how worried we are these days - but I hope people are just as silly for my child. This picture also reminded me of the frantic silliness of this week - the recess was a full day crazy event. I liked this picture a lot but it's a very tenuous connection to the theme.

I did submit this one:

My Ninja

It may seem silly, but I like toys. This is one of my protectors in my office. My little ninja. He's a happy guy.

This was a beautiful moment while driving home:
It just appeared (245)

Childhood silliness - making a beautiful snow person who was going to be destroyed in the next day or two. Bringing such beauty in such a silly way. It was appreciated.

And this one...
Lego Village

This just reminds me of the 'If the World Were a Village' book - this is just a messed up village!

The work of everyone else is here.


Anonymous said...

Ah, my sympathies. My youngest is allergic to all nuts, too. Mostly peanuts, but all of them give her a reaction and she hates it.

saintseester said...

Oh that's too bad about the allergies.