Ok... so I misread the prompt. I read it as 'Grass'. Close but not the same. However, most of the pictures I took I wouldn't have fitting either prompt - the real one or my imaginary one.

A daisy the son gave me. I love daisies.

One of the ponds has little gates with hearts. I took this picture and had the heart in the foreground - in focus. Love is all you need.
And popcorn. Love and popcorn.

Since I thought it was grass, here you go. Grass.
Two of my three pictures were taken with one camera - the grass and the following two were taken with another. I just replaced my elph with a SLR. My husband made it possible - pushed me to do it, gave me a gift of a bunch of cash and a print out of slrs on sale right now and we had to get it. So I have a slr. And the villagers rejoice!

Now I just need to learn how to use it.
Work of everyone else