Hope was the theme of the week. There are so many hopes - some of which sorted themselves out (such as my work computer being fixed - I hoped and hoped for that to come back and then it did). I had hope for spring with so many warm days and the appearance of crocuses. I had hopes and dreams that the sons birthday party would go well. And so here's what I came up with for the pool this week.

I always have so much hope when I play this game. Hope and ambition. I am the family skee-ball champion. I could play this game for hours on end. I love the feeling - the throws, the hopes that you'll do better each throw, each game. Holding my breath when it gets close to the 10,000 point little circle. Yes, this game is a game of hope.

The snow is gone. He's wearing sneakers I think. I just hope that it stays this way. And the trees grow leaves. And no more snow comes. I love wearing my boots in the fall and hate wearing them in the spring.

Not as clear as I originally thought but still beautiful. Spring is coming, ready or not.

In my experience, every time you hold a party for you child, you hope a lot, you wish a lot and you make sure that there's enough there for everyone who was invited, their parents and their childrens children. You hope that people show up because you hope your child will have a big showing. I made 48 cupcakes. We had a bunch left but we had a good showing. 13 of the 23 invited, which, given there's a chess tournament on today (two or three of the kids), spring break holidays ongoing already, Saturday lessons and the stomach flu happening, then well, that's a good showing.

And of course, throughout the party there's that. The anticipation of leftover cupcakes, beer and recapping the entire thing. The hope it went well, and the celebration that it did.
The work of everyone else