Week Twelve - Focus 52x2 - Minimal

This week I took a few good pictures, or, well, at least decent. Not totally minimal however. Here's what I have!

Parking lot watermelon (245)
We were driving down the parking lot, away from the grocery store and found this. Perhaps it's more absurd than minimal, but this sad little watermelon as part of this big big parking lot seemed so out of place.

Windy Day (243)
No special effects, no anything but some wind and a lawn ornament.

This one is, perhaps, the best example of minimal (or, even, the only). I like this one. I kept it simple and it was full of textures from the shadows.

Work of everyone else here.

Week Eleven - Focus 52x2 - Green or Luck

Another week, another time that I'm not totally following the theme. I do feel I took a couple decent shots, so perhaps that my luck.

Here goes:





Fencing (236)

Work of everyone else here.

Week Ten - Focus 52x2 - Words

Finally I'm getting my life back. Bronchitis is almost gone, Phantom is over. It's hard to get back into the swing of things but I love having my slr with me now (when I was running around and backstage it heavy to have my full camera bag). I have to say I miss the pictures I didn't take during the run of the show, so it's nice to just take random pictures of things as I see them, so I don't miss capturing the moment!

The theme this week was 'words'. Sometimes I was on theme, other times I was not. Here goes:

YA Novels make me happy (226)
Books make me happy. The words contained within them can be well written, poorly thought out, improbable, inspiring and so much more. But they're there. And sometimes, just sometimes, I can find the right ones that will transport a student to another world and make their lives a little bit brighter.

Hunger Games (231)
On that note... Hunger Games is going to be out as a movie soon. It's making the few kids who didn't already read it, go for it. I can barely keep it in the library. Seeing the displays at the bookstore is so fantastic - knowing so many kids want it is great. Have you read it?

New Office Ornament (227)
My dad retired in the past few weeks. This was on his desk and was part of his educational philosophy. He was - is - a great influence of mine so when he gave me this it was a great gift. Powerful words.

Bottles (230)
Not on theme but I liked how it turned out.

Work of everyone else here.

Week Nine - Focus 52 x 2 - Starts with a J

And we're back!

This week is 'starts with a j', in honour of our fearless leader and her birthday. Here goes!

Nutty Breakfast - Missing the J (216)
The only thing this was missing is J - No jam with my pb.

Our poker jellybeans. I love the colours of jellybeans almost as much as the taste!

Work of everyone else here. And Happy Birthday Janice!!!

Week Eight - Focus 52x2 - Light

This blog post is late and is false. I didn't get my pictures blogged last week - and I ran out of time to get them up on the focus 52 linkups. First time in this whole process, the 52 weeks of last year and the eight weeks of this year. I felt quite badly about that.
Either way, the topic last week was light. I linked the following:
Relaxing time (210)
Seeing the light for the first time in a week and having some relaxing time.
All lit up (206)
Our set for phantom, all lit up
How the day worked out (209)
The show was so hot we lit up the theatre - and set the place on fire! A curtain caught on fire. This is a firefighters axe propped against our prop table.
Lights are bright (208)
I didn't put this one in the pool because I forgot about it. Beautiful lights we had to keep turned off as much as possible because they were so warm.
Work of everyone else (and not me!) here.